Quick Cable Battery Rack User Manual
Optional seismic kit installation

Stationary Battery Rack
Assembly Instructions
Rack de baterías estacionarias
Instrucciones de montaje
Rack de batterie stationnaire
Instructions de montage
Before beginning assembly, check the contents of your kit against the parts list.
If any of the parts listed are missing, contact your dealer immediately for replacement.
Antes de comenzar el montaje, comprobar el contenido de su equipo en contra de la lista de piezas.
Si alguna de las partes de la lista faltan, póngase en contacto con su distribuidor inmediatamente para su reemplazo.
Avant le montage début, vérifiez le contenu de votre trousse de la liste des pièces. Si aucune
des parties est manquant, contactez immédiatement votre revendeur pour le remplacement.
Quick Cable Canada Limited
6395 Kestrel Road • Mississauga, Ontario, L5T 1Z5 Canada
Phone: 905-362-1606 • 800-728-1742 • Fax: 905-362-1614
Email: [email protected]
Quick Cable Corporation
3700 Quick Drive • Franksville, Wisconsin, 53126-0509 U.S.A.
Phone: 800-558-8667 • Fax: 800-733-8611
Email: [email protected]
Part Number / Número de pieza / Numéro de pièce
Copyright© Quick Cable Corporation
Optional Seismic Kit Installation
The purpose of the seismic kit is to secure batteries tightly in place on the
battery rack so that they cannot slide around or move independently during a
seismic event.
The seismic kit contains:
• 10 seismic spacers (long tubes threaded in both ends)
• 10 6” long 3/8 x 16” threaded bolts
• 10 2-1/2” long 3/8 x 16” threaded bolts
• 20 flat washers
• 20 lock washers
Installing the seismic kit
1. Unbolt and remove the front retaining bars from the upper and lower level
battery racks. Disconnect and remove any installed batteries. (Depending on
the original installation you may or may not need to improve the floor bolts.)
2. Install the seismic spacers by placing them with the flat end against the
back battery rack rail. Use the predrilled holes in the rack bars to locate the
spacers and bolt them to the back rack with the 2-1/2” long bolts, using a
washer and lock washer at each location.
3. Reinstall the front retaining bar by turning it around so the tabs are on the
inside of the vertical end pieces. The idea is that this bar is going to compress
against the front of the batteries once they are reinstalled. Use the 6” threaded
bolts, washers and lock washers as shown to assemble the front bar loosely.
4. Tighten the bolts as necessary to securely fit the front retaining bar against
the battery bank.