Electrical installation, General description – Dynalab SMP3/120V/60 User Manual

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Electrical Installation


Before connection please ensure that the
mains power supply corresponds to that
shown on the rating plate. Power
consumption is 60W.

There is an IEC socket at the rear of the
instrument for connection to the mains supply,
(see figure 1). The unit is supplied with two
mains leads fitted with IEC plugs for connection
to the instrument. One has a UK 3 pin plug and
the other has a 2 pin “Shuko” plug for
connection to the mains supply. Choose the lead
appropriate for your electrical installation and
discard the other.

Should neither lead be suitable you should obtain
a moulded lead locally. If this is not possible, take
the lead with the UK plug and replace the plug
with a suitable alternative. See the enclosed
instruction sheet for advice on how to carry out
this procedure.

Should the mains lead require replacement a
cable of 1mm


of harmonised code H05W-F

connected to an IEC 320 plug should be used.

N.B. The UK mains lead is protected by a
10A fuse mounted in the plug top.

The mains lead should be connected to the
instrument BEFORE connection to the mains

CAUTION: Fuse fitted in both live and
neutral lines

General Description

WARNING: The sample block may be

The apparatus is designed to measure and record
the temperatures of crystalline sample held within
capillary tubes. Up to three tubes are
accommodated in an illuminated chamber within
an aluminium block. The tubes are viewed
through a magnifying lens on the front of the
unit. All controls are via a membrane keypad.

The temperature range is ambient to 360°C and
the heating rate is variable between 0.5°C /
minute and 10°C / minute. Temperatures are
displayed on an LCD. Up to eight temperatures
per capillary tube can be recorded and recalled
on the LCD. The plateau temperature and
heating rate are fully programmable. The SMP3
prompts can appear in English, French, Italian,
Spanish and German.

When the melt cycle is started the SMP3 heats up
to the pre-programmed plateau temperature at
maximum rate. An alarm sounds and the SMP3
remains steady at the plateau temperature. With
a touch of the start button, the SMP3 begins to
heat at the pre-programmed rate.

Once the melt has occurred and the cycle
stopped, cooling is automatic and can be
selected to be either to the plateau temperature
or to ambient.

Figure 1 shows the features for the SMP3.

Mains On/Off: This is a rocker type switch.
Pressing the bottom switches the unit On.
Pressing the top switches the unit OFF.

Sample Block: This aluminium block can hold
three capillary sample tubes.

Viewer: Comprises of a magnifier lens encased
in a plastic eye viewer.

Mains Indicator: This light illuminates green
when the unit is on.