MEGUIAR'S G77 User Manual

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G77, Gold Class Spray Wax (22-66A): G7716


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SECTION 10: Stability and reactivity

10.1 Reactivity
This material may be reactive with certain agents under certain conditions - see the remaining headings in this section

10.2 Chemical stability

10.3 Possibility of hazardous reactions
Hazardous polymerisation will not occur.

10.4 Conditions to avoid
None known.

10.5 Incompatible materials
Strong oxidising agents.
Strong acids.

10.6 Hazardous decomposition products



None known.

Refer to section 5.2 for hazardous decomposition products during combustion.

SECTION 11: Toxicological information

The information below may not agree with the EU material classification in Section 2 and/or the ingredient
classifications in Section 3 if specific ingredient classifications are mandated by a competent authority. In addition,
statements and data presented in Section 11 are based on UN GHS calculation rules and classifications derived from
3M assessments.

11.1 Information on Toxicological effects

Signs and Symptoms of Exposure

Based on test data and/or information on the components, this material may produce the following health effects:

No health effects are expected.

Skin contact
Contact with the skin during product use is not expected to result in significant irritation.

Eye contact
Contact with the eyes during product use is not expected to result in significant irritation.

No health effects are expected.

Toxicological Data
If a component is disclosed in section 3 but does not appear in a table below, either no data are available for that endpoint or
the data are not sufficient for classification.