MEGUIAR'S G77 User Manual
Page 10

G77, Gold Class Spray Wax (22-66A): G7716
Page: 10 of 11
Section 11: Acute Toxicity table information was modified.
Section 11: Carcinogenicity Table information was modified.
Section 11: Serious Eye Damage/Irritation Table information was modified.
Section 11: Germ Cell Mutagenicity Table information was modified.
Section 11: Skin Sensitization Table information was modified.
Section 11: Reproductive Toxicity Table information was modified.
Section 11: Skin Corrosion/Irritation Table information was modified.
Section 11: Target Organs - Single Table information was modified.
Section 5: Fire - Extinguishing media information information was modified.
Section 5: Fire - Advice for fire fighters information information was modified.
Section 6: Accidental release personal information information was modified.
Section 6: Accidental release environmental information information was modified.
Section 6: Accidental release clean-up information information was modified.
Section 7: Conditions safe storage information was modified.
Section 8: Appropriate Engineering controls information information was modified.
Section 8: Personal Protection - Eye information information was modified.
Section 8: Personal Protection - Skin/hand information information was modified.
Section 13: 13.1. Waste disposal note information was modified.
Section 4: First aid for eye contact information information was modified.
Section 4: First aid for ingestion (swallowing) information information was modified.
Section 8: Eye/face protection information information was added.
Section 16: List of relevant R-phrases information was added.
Section 16: List of relevant R phrase information information was added.
Section 12: Component ecotoxicity information information was added.
Section 12: Persistence and Degradability information information was added.
Section 12:Bioccumulative potential information information was added.
Section 12: Component Ecotoxicity table Material column header information was added.
Section 12: Component Ecotoxicity table CAS No column header information was added.
Section 12: Component Ecotoxicity table Organism column header information was added.
Section 12: Component Ecotoxicity table Type column header information was added.
Section 12: Component Ecotoxicity table Exposure column header information was added.
Section 12: Component Ecotoxicity table End point column header information was added.
Section 12: Component Ecotoxicity table Result column header information was added.
Section 12: Persistence and degradability table Material column header information was added.
Section 12: Persistence and degradability table CAS No column header information was added.
Section 12: Persistence and degradability table Test Type column header information was added.
Section 12: Persistence and degradability table Duration column header information was added.
Section 12: Persistence and degradability table Test Result column header information was added.
Section 12: Persistence and degradability table Protocol column header information was added.
Section 12:Bioccumulative potential table Material column header information was added.
Section 12:Bioccumulative potential table CAS No column header information was added.
Section 12:Bioccumulative potential table CAS No column header information was added.
Section 12:Bioccumulative potential table Test Result column header information was added.
Section 12:Bioccumulative potential table Protocol column header information was added.
Section 12:Bioccumulative potential table Test Type column header information was added.
Label: CLP Classification - Header information was added.
Label: CLP Classification information was added.
Label: CLP Supplemental Hazard Statements - Header information was added.
Label: CLP Supplemental Information - Header information was added.
Contains statement for sensitizers information was added.
Contains statement for sensitizers information was added.
Contains statement for sensitizers information was added.
Section 11: Photosensitisation table - Name heading information was added.
Section 11: Photosensitisation table heading information was added.
Photosensitisation Table information was added.
Section 11: Photosensitisation table - Species heading information was added.