MEGUIAR'S MV85 User Manual
Page 13

MV85, Low-Emission Mold Seal & Release (XP4-53A): MV8501, MV8505
Page: 13 of 16
sufficient for
immune system
Some positive
data exist, but the
data are not
sufficient for
Aspiration Hazard
Naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy
Aspiration hazard
Silicic acid, sodium salt, reaction products with chlorotrimethylsilane and
iso-Pr alc
Not an aspiration hazard
Siloxanes and silicones, di-Me
Not an aspiration hazard
Aspiration hazard
Aspiration hazard
Please contact the address or phone number listed on the first page of the SDS for additional toxicological information
on this material and/or its components.
SECTION 12: Ecological information
The information below may not be consistent with the material classification in Section 2 if specific ingredient classifications
are mandated by a competent authority. Additional information leading to material classification in Section 2 is available
upon request. In addition, environmental fate and effects data on ingredients may not be reflected in this section because an
ingredient is present below the threshold for labelling, an ingredient is not expected to be available for exposure, or the data
is considered not relevant to the material as a whole.
12.1. Toxicity
Acute aquatic hazard:
Not acutely toxic to aquatic life by GHS criteria.
Chronic aquatic hazard:
Not chronically toxic to aquatic life by GHS criteria.
No product test data available.
No component test data available.
12.2. Persistence and degradability
No test data available.
12.3 : Bioaccumulative potential
No test data available.
12.4. Mobility in soil
Please contact manufacturer for more details
12.5. Results of the PBT and vPvB assessment
No information available at this time, contact manufacturer for more details
12.6. Other adverse effects
No information available.
SECTION 13: Disposal considerations