Dow WEATHERMATE™ Brand Housewraps User Manual
Weathermate™ brand housewraps, Installation recommendations for

US/CANADA . iNStAllAtioN iNformAtioN . reSiDeNtiAl
installation recommendations for
®™trademark of the Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow
When installing housewrap, you
want to achieve a continuous
membrane that resists air and
water penetration into the
structure. The correct installation of
WEATHERMATE™ Brand Housewraps
is a simple, fast process. You are
investing time and money, so make
sure you wrap it up right.
1. WeAtHermAte™ Brand
Housewraps should be installed
over exterior wall sheathing
before windows are installed.
2. Place roll vertically against
exterior wall about 3 feet from
corner with print side facing
out. Small diamond markers
are printed every 8 inches on
Weathermate™ Brand Housewrap
to help determine position of
underlying studs. Position bottom
edge of housewrap to cover
edge of sill plate and overlap
foundation at least 1 inch.
Position top edge of housewrap
to cover edges of top plates.
3. With roll straight and
plumb, attach trailing end of
Weathermate™ Brand Housewrap
to framing members or nail-base
sheathing. Unroll around corner,
keeping membrane level, tight
and flat. Wrap completely around
building, covering windows and
doors. tuck tightly into inside
corners using flat edge of 1x4 or
4. overlap all vertical seams at least
6 inches. overlap all horizontal
seams at least 2 inches shingle
fashion (the higher piece on the
wall should lap over the lower
piece). taping is optional unless it
is needed in an air barrier system
5. Plastic cap nails are appropriate
fasteners for WeAtHermAte™
Brand Housewraps. there are
pneumatic nailers for plastic cap
nails that make fastening fast and
secure. Plastic cap nails should
be spaced about 16 inches in
each direction. Staples with
minimum 1-inch crown may also
be used when spaced about
12 inches in each direction. All
fasteners should penetrate at
least 1/2 inch into nail base.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5