5 full connect and receive only for rack sharing, Digico little boxes – DiGiCo Little Boxes User Manual
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DiGiCo Little Boxes
2) MADI MODE - This allows an SD9 and another SD Series console to share a D-Rack with the other SD Series console as the control-
ler for the analogue gain settings on the D-Rack. A second BNC MADI Out is also available as an additional split of the D-Rack signals to
a third console or a Multitrack recorder.
1.1.5 Full Connect and Receive Only for Rack Sharing ............
Whenever racks are being shared on MADI or CAT5 connections it is necessary to declare this in each console's Setup / Audio IO panel.
Decide which console will control the analogue gains (Full Control Mode) and which console(s) will only Receive the signals (Receive Only
Mode) and the use the following procedure.
PLEASE NOTE: The console Network panel setting for AUDIO MASTER will determine which modes are available to the shared
ports - see below.
1) On the console(s) that are to be in Receive Only Mode for a rack, open the Setup>Audio I/O panel, select the shared rack port from
the port’s list (eg Port 3) and then press the Shared button for the rack. The rack control functions Isolate/Receive Only/Full Control
will become available. Set this Port to Receive Only.
NOTE: This console’s Network / Audio Master button should be off (Grey) to allow Receive Only to be set.
2) If there is a console in the system that is to be in Full Control of ALL racks then ensure that this has no Shared buttons pressed for
any racks - this will then automatically be in Full Control without changing any further settings.
3) If there is a console in the system that is to be in Full Control of one rack but in Receive Only for another, then that console's
Network / Audio Master button should be off (Grey).
4) The operators should agree on and set a level of analogue gain that provides enough headroom for the required application.
5) Gain Tracking (the Track buttons at the top of the Input channel screen) should be switched on for the console that has any racks in
Receive Only mode. All the channels where the inputs are being shared but are in Receive Only should have Gain Tracking switched On.
6) If Gain Tracking is enabled, when an analogue gain control is changed on the “Master” console, the “Slave” console’s analogue gain
should reflect the changes and the digital trim control should compensate for this change by moving by the same amount in the opposite
When highlighted in orange
the Audio Master button indicates that
this audio engine is master for shared
racks and their gain controls
Full Control of Shared rack
Receive Only For Shared rack
Console Controlling Gain
Console Receiving Gain
Setup > Audio IO Panel
Network Panel
If the console is to have ANY connected rack set
as Shared and Receive Only, the Audio Master
button must be Inactive (Grey).
If the Audio Master button is Active (orange)
a Shared rack cannot be set to Receive Only