Pulsafeeder MEC-O-MATIC VSP Series User Manual
Page 2

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Fill in information from pump data label
Serial #:
Model #:
Nominal output:
The manufacturer warrants its equipment of its manufacture to be free of defects in material or
workmanship. Liability under this policy extends to eighteen (18) months from the date of purchase
or one (1) year from date of installation or whichever comes first. The manufacturer’s liability is
limited to repair or replacement of any device or part, which is returned, prepaid, to the factory and
which is proven defective upon examination. This warranty does not include installation or repair
costs and in no event shall the manufacturer’s liability exceed the selling price of such part.
The manufacturer disclaims all liability for damage to its products through improper installation,
maintenance, use or attempts to operate such products beyond their functional capacity, intentionally
or otherwise, or any unauthorized repair. Replaceable elastomeric parts are expendable and are not
covered by any warranty either expressed or implied. The manufacturer is not responsible for
consequential or other damages, injuries or expense incurred through use of its products.
The above warranty is in lieu of any other warranty, either expressed or implied. The
manufacturer makes no warranty of fitness or merchantability. No agent of ours is authorized to
make any warranty other than the above