Pulsafeeder Chem-Tech Series 100-150 User Manual

Page 5

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Flooded suction mounting Fig. C (installing feeder at the base of tank on a platform) is the most trouble free type of
installation. (Tank stands and platforms are available for all
size feeders and tanks). The pump is secured on the
platform, and then the clear suction tubing is attached to a
bulkhead fitting assembly and the suction valve housing on
the pump head. Since the suction tubing is always filled
with solution, priming is accomplished much more quickly
and the chance of losing prime on an installation where the
feeder is used only a few hours a day, is greatly reduced.
The feeder comes with a bleed valve assembly that
attaches to the discharge valve in the pump head. The
bleed valve allows you to manually prime the feeder and
depressurize the discharge line without disconnecting the
feeder from the tubing connections.

To operate without bleed valve, replace bleed
valve (item #49) and 0.38 in. (0.96 cm) -tubing size discharge valve housing (item # 42) with a 0.50 in. (1.27 cm) -tubing
size discharge valve housing (item #42) and coupling nut (item #43). See page 12 (Wet End Assembly). Items #42 and
#43 are available from factory.

Assemble tubing and fittings to the feeder (Fig. G).

Do not force fittings, HAND TIGHTEN ONLY. Do not use additional sealants, such as pipe tape, on

tubing fittings. Use additional sealants, such as pipe tape, on pipe fittings and tighten normally.

If water is used to dissolve solid chemicals or create a dilute solution, the chemical tanks should be

manually filled or an approved means must be used to prevent a cross connection between the chemical tank contents
and the potable water line. Check local plumbing regulations.


Chemical injection into an open tank: The discharge tubing can be
placed in an open tank with or without the injection valve assembly.
Each feeder is shipped with a spring loaded back check injection
valve. This assists in a positive seal on the discharge side of the pump
head preventing back flow.

Pumps carrying the 'NSF' or the 'ETL Sanitation' (tested to NSF
standard-50) approval are listed for swimming pools, spas, and hot
tubs, and when proper materials are selected, are capable of handling
but not limited to the following chemical solutions.



/2% sodium hypochlorite 2% calcium hypochlorite 12% aluminum

sulfate 10% hydrochloric acid 10% sodium hydroxide 5% sodium


Make sure the voltage of the feeder matches the voltage of the
well pump.
Install the injection fitting into a tee which is installed into
the water line going to the pressure tank. The end of the injection
check valve should be in the main stream of the water line. A typical
installation is shown in Figure H. For installation of pump for
operating swimming pools, pump is to be supplied by an
isolating transformer or thru an "RCD" (residual current device).

NOTE: It is recommended to install the injection assembly in a vertical position on the bottom side of the water
line (Figure J).

This will insure proper sealing of the injection assembly check valve and prevent a back flow into the feeder's discharge
line. Be sure arrow on injection fitting is pointing upward.

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