Pitco Frialator Pasta Water Control Operation User Manual
Pasta water control operation

Your appliance has been equipped with a water control
regulation system to save time, energy, and resources. If
your pasta cooker is equipped with a mixing valve or faucet
option, the controls have been labeled to identify the function
of the water controls.
Fill- To fill, or refill the cook tank with water to the fill line
when the water level is low.
Cook/Reheat- To maintain the water level at the fill line
Pasta Water Control Operation
while the appliance is cooking or reheating product.
Faucet Control Option
The Fill control will be the left handle or knob, turn the control fully open
to fill the tank with hot water to the fill line. When the water is at the
proper level, close the handle fully.
The Cook / Reheat control will be the right handle or knob. When the
appliance is being used for cooking or reheating product fully open the
control to start the water trickle into the tank. This will allow a steady flow
of 1/2 gallon of hot water per minute to flow into the tank to reduce water
waste and maintain water temperature. At the end of the shift, fully close
the control to shut off the water trickle when the appliance is shut down.
Mixing Valve Control Option
L20-374 R1, Aug 2011
the control to shut off the water trickle when the appliance is shut down.