Error codes – HOUNO C-gas User Manual

Page 18

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C-gas – ver. 3.x – August 2009


Error Codes

Error code 3

Generator too hot (Generator thermo switch disconnected. Reconnect by
pressing button to the left behind service panel)

Error code 4:

Oven too hot (Reaction from either generator thermo-switch, oven thermo-
switch, fan thermo-switch or cold plate sensor. Reconnect generator and
oven thermo-switch to the left behind the service panel)

Error code 5:

Fan too hot (Fan too hot. Thermo-switch in motor disconnected. Wait for 10
min. And try again.)

Error code 6:

Drain too hot (Drain temperature has been too hot (above 75°C) for more
than 5 min. Check that jet in drain is working)

Error code 7:

Oven sensor defective (Temperature sensor in oven not working properly)

Error code 8:

Core temp. probe not connected (A program using core temp. probe has
been chosen, but the probe has not been connected)

Error code 9:

Generator sensor defective (Temperature sensor in generator not

Error code 10:

Drain sensor defective (Sensor in drain not working. The oven can still be

Error code 11:

Water shortage (Steam generator was not filled within two minutes. Check
that the water has been turned on)

Error code 12: Solid State relay cooling plate too hot

Error code 13:

Generator too hot (Temperature in steam generator higher than 130°C. If
error recurs, descale generator)

Error code 14: Fan too slow
Error code 15: CPE hot (Temperature in CPU board too high (>60°C))
Error code 16: IO board hot (Temperature in IO board too high (>60°C))
Error code 18: Memory error (internal defect)
Error code 19: Wrong language

Error code 20:

Internal defect (Failure in communication between computer and IO

Error code 22:

No restart (Cut-out during program performance. Cut-out has lasted so
long that program cannot be restarted)

Error code 23: Oven too hot (Oven too hot for CombiWash (> 120°C)

Error code 24:

Drain blocked or draining failure (After 10 seconds of draining, the water
level in the generator is still high.)

Error code 25:

Core temperature probe defective (1 or 2 of the 3 core temperature
probe elements defective).

Error code 28: Configuration error in main alarms (3, 4, 5, 12) (Warning)
Error code 29: Failure of door sensor signal (Warning)
Error code 34: Water pressure too low (Check that water is turned on)

Error code 50

Pressure switch on wenn gas-air control unit not running (timeout
20 sec.)

Error code 51

Pressure switch not on when gas-air control unit running (timeout 20

Error code 52

Gas valve does not open (automatic gas burner control has failed
(timeout 20 sec.))

Error code 53

Gas-air control unit does not revolve when pressure switch is on

Error code 54

Gas-air control unit does not run at correct RPM just before ignition

Error code 55

Warning: Ignition failed

Error code 56

Flame fails to occur after 3 attempts

Error code 57

Warning: Gas failure during operation