Downloading rockbox, Installing rockbox – ARCHOS box rock User Manual

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background image


HD size

Model Name

Version Name

5GB, 6GB,
10GB, 20GB

Jukebox 5000, Jukebox 6000, Jukebox
Studio 10, Jukebox Studio 20


6GB, 10GB,
15GB, 20GB

Jukebox Recorder 6, Jukebox Recorder
10, Jukebox Recorder 15, Jukebox
Recorder 20



Jukebox Recorder v2



Jukebox Recorder FM


Downloading Rockbox

The latest release of the Rockbox software will always be available from

. Windows users may wish to download the self-

extracting Windows installer, which works for all Jukebox models, but those wishing to
install manually or using a different operating system should choose the .ZIP archive

containing the firmware for their model of the Jukebox.

Installing Rockbox

Using the Windows self installing executable to install Rockbox is the easiest method
of installing the software on your Jukebox. Simply follow the on-screen instructions
and select the appropriate drive letter and Jukebox model when prompted. You can
use “Add / Remove Programs” to uninstall the software at a later date.
For non-Windows users and those wishing to install manually from the archive the
procedure is still fairly simple. Connect your Jukebox to the computer via USB as
described in the manual that came with your Jukebox. On Windows, the Jukebox drive
will appear as a drive letter in your "My Computer" folder. Take the file that you
downloaded above, and unpack its contents to your Jukebox drive. You can do this
using a program such as

InfoZip (





You will need to unpack all of the files in the archive onto your hard disk. If this has

been done correctly, you will have a file called archos.mod (for the player) or
ajbrec.ajz (for all other models) in the main folder of your Jukebox drive, and also a
folder called /.rockbox, which contains a number of system files used by the

Rockbox User Manual