American DJ The American DJ Flash-1C Flash-1CTM User Manual
Flash-1c, User instructions, American dj

American DJ
Model: Flash-1C™
Power: 110V/60Hz
Weight: 3 lbs.
11.25” x 5.25” x 3”
Fuse: 10A
Tha nk yo u f or pu rch as in g th is
America n DJ® p rodu c t. F or yo ur
convenience this products ready to
be u se d, t he re i s no a sse mbl y
required. Please read the following
in struc tio ns b efore in sta llin g or
using your new unit.
Operating Instructions:
The American DJ® Flash-1C, flash tube controller
is ideal for mobile DJ’s and club use. One Flash-
1C will control up to 20 Flash Tubes. The Flash
Tubes can be controlled in two ways AUTO o r
M A N U A L (blue button). When switch is on
MANUAL , the user has control of the SPEED and
and MODE knobs . Only by pushing the yellow
TRIGGER button, will the Flash Tubes light.
When switch is on AUTO, the user has control of
SPEED, MODE, and pulse RATE knobs.
SPEED knob - Controls speed of chase.
MODE knob - Coose 1 of 5 mode to chase in.
1. Forward 2. Reverse
3. Crossover 4. Rebound
5. Auto chase
RATE knob - Controls rate of pulse (ie. speed of
strobe) of the Flash Tubes.
For service, contact your
American DJ®
C a u t i o n !
Always disconnect from main
power before servicing unit. Remember to
always replace with same fuses.
American DJ
User Instructions