Voicemail, Video calls, Turn video calling on or off – AT&T MOTO Z9 User Manual
Page 45

Your network stores the voicemail messages
you receive. To listen to your messages, call
your voicemail number.
Note: Your service provider may include additional
information about using this feature.
When you receive a voicemail message, your phone
shows the voicemail message indicator
New Voicemail Message. Press the Call key to listen to the
To check voicemail messages:
Find it: s
Messaging > Voicemail
Shortcut: From the home screen, press and hold
to check your voicemail.
Your phone may prompt you to store your voicemail
phone number. If you don’t know your voicemail
number, contact your service provider.
Note: You can’t store a p (pause), w (wait), or n
(number) character in this number. If you want to store
a voicemail number with these characters, create an
address book entry for it. Then you can use the entry
to call your voicemail.
video calls
If you call someone who has a 3G video phone,
you can send them live video from your
camera. If your phone is roaming on a non-3G
network, video calls will not work (see the network
indicator on page 18).
turn video calling on or off
If you turn off video calling, your phone will not
accept video calls.
Find it: s
Settings > Initial Setup
> Live Video Share Service > On or Off