6 debugging, 1 debugging with avr jtagicemkii, Debugging -12 – Atmel ATAVRAUTO100 User Manual
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Using the ATAVRAUTO100
ATAVRAUTO100 User Guide
Debugging with AVR JTAGICEmkII
The JTAGEN fuse must be programmed to enable the JTAG Test Access Port. In addi-
tion, the OCDEN fuse must be programmed and no Lock bits must be set for the Onchip
debug system to work. As a security feature, the On-chip debug system is disabled
when either of the LB1 or LB2 Lock bits are set. Otherwise, the On-chip debug system
would have provided a back-door into a secured device.
The AVR Studio enables the user to fully control execution of programs on an AVR
device with On-chip Debug capability, AVR In-Circuit Emulator, or the built-in AVR
Instruction Set Simulator. AVR Studio
supports source level execution of Assembly pro-
grams assembled with Atmel Corporation’s AVR Assembler and C programs compiled
with third party vendors’ compilers.
AVR Studio runs under Microsoft
95/98/2000/NT/XP. For a full description of
the AVR Studio, please refer to the AVR Studio User Guide.