AVERATEC 2700 Series User Manual

Page 65

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Chapter 8


The hard drive is making abnormal whining noises

• should back up your files as soon as possible.

• Make sure the source of noise is indeed from the hard drive and not the fan or other devices.

The hard disk takes longer to read a file

• If you have been using the drive for a period, the files may be fragmented. Go to [Start > Programs > Accessories > System

Tools > Disk Defragmenter] to perform a disk defragmentation. This operation may take a while.

• Interrupt requests or problems with other hardware devices may have occupied the CPU and therefore slows down the

system performance.

The hard disk drive has reached its capacity

• Run Disk Cleanup utility in Windows. [Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Disk Cleanup] The system will

prompt you for what to do.

• Archive files or programs that you had no longer used by moving them to an alternative storage medium (floppy disk,

optical record-able disk, etc.) or uninstall programs that no longer use.

• Many browsers store files in the hard drive as a cache to speed up the performance. Check the program’s Online Help for

instructions on decreasing the cache size or on removing temporary Internet files.

• Empty the Recycle Bin to create more disk space. When you delete files, Windows saves them to the Recycle Bin.

The files are corrupted

• Run the Error-checking utility in Windows to check the HDD. Double-click My Computer. Right-click C: and select

Properties. Click Check Now in Error-checking in Tools.