Miscellaneous mvp strings back to the master, Mvp panel lock passcode commands – AMX MODERO VIEWPOINT WIDESCREEN TOUCH PANEL MVP-5200I User Manual

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MVP-5200i Modero Viewpoint Widescreen Touch Panel

Miscellaneous MVP Strings back to the Master

The following two strings are sent by the MVP panel back to the communicating Master:

MVP Panel Lock Passcode commands

These commands are used to maintain a passcode list. With the MVOP-5200i, a password must be
entered to remove the panel from the Wall Charging Station. Only the passcode is entered. The user entry
is just for identifying the passcodes.

"^" Button Commands (Cont.)


Set Unicode text.

For the ^UNI command (%UN and ^BMF command), the Unicode text is sent as

ASCII-HEX nibbles.
