Sony PEG-UX40 User Manual
Page 9

Picsel Viewer for
User Manual
Page 9
While you are zooming or panning, the document will appear less
clearly and will then ‘sharpen up’ when you release the pen. This is
perfectly normal, and the clarity and speed with which the document
moves are part of the unique power of Picsel’s ePAGE technology.
There are three ways to move to a different page in a document. You
can draw a ‘page flick’ stroke across the bottom of the screen, as if you
were holding a page of a book (start in the middle at the bottom, then
stroke to the left to reach the next page, or the right to return to the
previous page). Alternatively, you can click on the carousel and use the
thumbnail copies of pages or the scroll bar along the bottom to find the
page you want. You can also press the “page up” and “page down”
buttons, as described in the “Keys” section, below.
Previous page
Visible part of
current page
Fit page
Fit width
First page
Last page
Page scroll bar
The navigation controls which appear around the carousel
The tools around the side of the carousel offer more features. The scroll
bar along the bottom of the screen moves between pages and can be
moved by stroking your pen over the box to move through the
thumbnails for all of the pages of the current document. The arrows at
the end of the scroll bar move directly to the first and last pages of the
document, respectively. The page scroll bar is only useful for multi-page
documents, which do not include HTML pages or pictures.
You can also return to the previous document you viewed by tapping on
the ‘previous document’ thumbnail or page icon on the left of the
carousel, and after that, can move forward again to the ‘next document’
if you wish. You can go back several steps by tapping on the ‘previous
document’ repeatedly as it changes, although you may find the History
View more helpful. These thumbnails are displayed as page icons if you
move very quickly between documents.
The zoom scroll bar, to the left of the carousel, allows you to enlarge or
reduce the document without using the tap-and-drag gesture. Simply
stroke your pen up or down over the box in the scroll bar. Picsel Viewer
can also scale the document automatically to fit on the screen with the
‘fit page’ icon, or to fit the width of the document into the width of the
screen using the ‘fit width’ icon.
The visible part of the current page is shown on the current page
thumbnail as a red area which you can also move around with your
pen, should you wish to.