Power scheme setup, Setting up a power scheme – Sony VGN-T360P User Manual
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Setting Up a Power Scheme
Operational flow
Follow the flow chart below to set up a pow er scheme of your computer.
For information on the precise setup procedure, click
Ope n Pow e r Options from Window s Control Pane l.
Click VAIO Optim ize d in the Pow e r s che m e s drop-dow n lis t on the Pow e r Sche m e s tab.
On the VAIO Pow e r M anage m e nt tab, s pe cify de s ire d options .
Setup example
In the follow ing setup example, you decrease LCD brightness and turn off pow er to unused devices for longer battery life of your computer that is running on
Provided below is just a single example of the pow er management setup and you can set up a pow er scheme in any w ay to suit your needs.
To display hints on pow er management for your computer running on batteries, click Optimize battery use at the bottom left of the VAIO Pow er Management tab.
Note s
To set up a pow er scheme, you must have a computer administrator account.
Some setup options may not be available, depending on the model of your computer.
Click Pow e r Options in Window s Control Pane l.
The Pow er Options Properties w indow appears.
Click VAIO Optim ize d in the Pow e r s che m e s drop-dow n lis t on the Pow e r Sche m e s tab.
Click the VAIO Pow e r M anage m e nt tab.
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