1 license: this agreement grants you, the licensee, A use the software on a single computer system whi, B make one copy of the software in machine readabl – Adaptec 1450 User Manual
Page 25: 2 restrictions: you may not distribute copies of t, 3 ownership of software: as licensee, you own the, 4 confidentiality: you agree to maintain the softw, 5 term: this license is effective until january 1, 6 limited warranty: adaptec warrants only that the, 7 limitation of liability: in no event will adapte, 8 limitation of remedies: adaptec’s entire liabili
1 license: this agreement grants you, the licensee, A use the software on a single computer system whi, B make one copy of the software in machine readabl | 2 restrictions: you may not distribute copies of t, 3 ownership of software: as licensee, you own the, 4 confidentiality: you agree to maintain the softw, 5 term: this license is effective until january 1, 6 limited warranty: adaptec warrants only that the, 7 limitation of liability: in no event will adapte, 8 limitation of remedies: adaptec’s entire liabili | Adaptec 1450 User Manual | Page 25 / 30