Karcher BD 530 Bp User Manual
Page 4

A bring the unit to a complete stop;
B if the unit must be on an incline,
block the wheels.
Do not add to, or modify the unit.
Do not block access to fire aisles, stair-
ways or fire equipment.
Yield the right of way to pedestrians and
emergency vehicles such as ambulanc-
es and fire trucks.
Cross railroad tracks at an angle wher-
ever possible. Do not park closer than 6
ft (1800 mm) to the nearest rail of a rail-
road track.
Keep a clear view of the path of travel
and observe for other traffic, personnel,
and safe clearances.
Under all travel conditions, operate the
unit at a speed that will permit it to be
brought to a stop in a safe manner.
Do not indulge in stunt driving or horse-
Slow down for wet and slippery floors.
Before driving over a dockboard or
bridge plate, be sure that it is properly
secured. Drive carefully and slowly
across the dockboard or bridge plate,
and never exceed its rated capacity.
When negotiating turns, reduce speed
to a safe level consistent with the oper-
ating environment. Make the turns
If the unit is found to be in need of repair
or in any way unsafe, or contributes to
an unsafe condition, the matter shall be
reported immediately to the user’s des-
ignated authority, and the unit shall not
be operated until it has been restored to
safe operating condition.
If during operation the unit becomes un-
safe in any way, the matter shall be re-
ported immediately to the user’s
designated authority, and the unit shall
not be operated until it has been re-
stored to safe operating condition.
Do not make repairs or adjustments un-
less specifically authorized to do so.
Do not use open flames when checking
electrolyte level in storage batteries.
Operation of the unit may be hazardous
if maintenance is neglected or repairs,
rebuilds, or adjustments are not per-
formed in accordance with the manufac-
turer’s design criteria. Therefore,
maintenance facilities (on or off pre-
mises), trained personnel, and detailed
procedures shall be provided.
Maintenance and inspection of the unit
shall be performed in conformance with
the following practices:
A a schedules planned maintenance,
lubrication, and inspection system
shall be followed; consult the manu-
facturer’s recommendations.
B only tranined and authorized person-
nel shall be permitted to maintain,
repair, adjust, and inspect the unit,
and in accordance with manufactur-
er’s specifications.
Avoid fire hazards and have fire protec-
tion equipment present in the work area.
Do not use an open flame to check the
level of any fluid, especially battery
electrolyte. Do not use open pans of fuel
or flammable cleaning fluids for clean-
ing parts.
Any unit not in safe operating condition
shall be removed from service.
Repairs shall not be made in Class I,
Class II, and Class III locations.
Operator care of the unit