Akai UNIQUEST 4000S User Manual
Uniquest for ewi 4000s

20 November 2005
UniQuest for EWI
Quick Start
Thank you and congratulations on your choice of the Akai Professional EWI
4000s Electric Wind Instrument. While the EWI 4000s is equipped with a
sophisticated on-board Analog Modeling Synthesizer, UniQuest expands on
this feature by giving you remote access to all sound parameters from a
connected Mac or PC computer. In addition to complete real-time editor
functions, UniQuest for EWI 4000s also serves as a back-up and
organizational tool to save and catalog your EWI 4000s sound creations. The
editor will also display any notes you play on your EWI 4000s in real-time.
1.0 Getting Ready: Instructions
UniQuest uses MIDI System Exclusive messages to communicate with your EWI
4000s. This means you’ll need to make certain connections before you install and
run the software for the first time. Here we will explain the steps you need to take.
Although the illustrations are PC Windows XP based, these instructions also apply
to Mac OS X users.
System Requirements
Minimum requirements are a Mac G4 with 256 MB of Ram, or a Pentium III with
512 MB of RAM. As everybody knows, faster is better.
You will also need a MIDI interface. fortunately, these can be purchased for under
$50 these days.
Document Outline
- UniQuest for EWI 4000s
- 1.0 Getting Ready: Instructions
- 2.0 A Quick Tour of UniQuest For EWI 4000s
- 2.1 Working with Single Presets
- 2.2 The Preset Editor Window
- 2.3 The Editor Controls in Closer Detail
- 2.4 The Preset Bank Windows
- 2.5 Automatic Patch Generation Tools
- 2.6 The Set Window
- 2.7 The Collection Window
- 2.8 The Library Window
- 2.9 Transferring Presets Between Windows
- 2.10 The ‘Update Patch on Activate’ Option
- 2.11 The ‘MIDI Thru’ Feature
- 2.12 Transferring Data Files Between Different Computers
- 3.0 Conclusion