Spektrum SPMVR5203 User Manual

Spektrum vr5203 dual output regulator instructions

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Spektrum’s Dual Output Step Down Regulator is primarily designed for use with gyros and tail rotor servos in helicopters. Most brands of gyros/ tail rotor

servos have voltage limits of 6 volts or less. The Dual Output Regulator installs between the receiver and the gyro in the rudder and gain channels and

regulates the voltage to the gyro and tail rotor servo to a constant 5.2 volts. This allows the rest of the system to operate using higher voltage, typically

5-cell NiMH 6 volts or even 2-cell LiPo 7.4 volts, if your servos are rated for such operation..

Additional Applications

We’ve also discovered there are many other devices that are typically used in models which have voltage limits that the Dual Output Regulator is ideal for.

Some brands of retract servos (including the JR791) have a limited voltage range and installing the Dual Output Regulator inline between the servo and the

receiver allows the retract servo to function properly.


The Dual Voltage Regulator is limited to 2 amps of continuous current. It is designed to install between the receiver and the gyro, operating the gyro and tail

rotor servo only (or other control devices like a retract servo, electronic switch, etc.).

It is not intended to be installed between the battery and the receiver to power the entire system.



1. Mount the regulator using double-sided foam tape in a convenient location.

Two 6-inch leads are provided. If necessary, servo extensions can be used to mount the

regulator further away from the receiver.

2. Install these leads in the input ports of the regulator, noting the polarity and connect

the negative (brown) wire toward the edge of the case to the corresponding Rx channel.

3. Install the open end of the leads in the desired receiver channel ports. Typically for a gyro

installation this would be the Rudder and Aux 1 (or Gear) channels in the receiver.

4. From the gyro, install the Rudder Lead and the Gain Lead in the out ports of the regulator.

The Rudder Lead should go in the port next to the Input Lead that is plugged into the Rudder

Channel and the Gain Lead should be installed next to the Gear Lead. See the diagram at right.

5. Turn on the system. An amber light should turn on, indicating the system is powered.

Check Servo and Gain operation.

Note: If the leads are plugged in the wrong places (input vs. output) no damage

will occur on power up. The system simply won’t operate.

Maximum Current Check

It’s normal for the regulator to become warm during operation. Most gyros/ tail rotor servos operate well below the 2-amp range even in other applications that

may heavily load the regulator. The most accurate way to determine peak operating current is to use a current meter, such as the Hangar 9 (HAN172), inline

between the servo and the regulator and operate the servo with a simulated flight load. For a quick check to determine if the regulator is operating near it’s

maximum current/ temperature range, operate the system continuously for 10 minutes, placing a typical load on the servos. Now press on the center of the

case near the amber light. If the case is soft, you are near the maximum operating current of the regulator.

Spektrum VR5203 Dual Output Regulator Instructions

© 2007 DSM and DSM2 are trademarks or registered trademarks of Horizon Hobby, Inc. Spektrum is used with permission of Bachmann Industries, Inc. Spektrum radios and accessories are exclusively available from Horizon Hobby, Inc.


Voltage Input:

Output Voltage:

Continuous current @ 8.4V:

Dimensions WxLxH:


Dual input/output step down linear voltage regulator
5.5 to 10 volts (4–8 cell NiCd/NiMH or 2-cell LiPo)
5.2 volts
2.0 amps (3-amp peak)
23 x 32 x 12mm .85 x 1.30 x .50 in
7 grams/ .3 oz

To Receiver

Rudder Channel

To Gyro

Rudder Channel

To Receiver

Gain Channel

To Gyro

Gain Channel

Amber light