Spektrum SPMVS1100 User Manual
Page 10

Analog Head Tracking
Analog head tracking output is always on.
• Connect the data cable to the data port on the headset and the trainer port on
you transmitter.
• Analog head tracking will allow a gimbal mounted camera to pan and tilt in
response to head motion.
Head Tracking Menu Navigation
Option part required to connect to your Spektrum transmitter (FSV1410).
To enter head tracking menu, hold the Display Button while inserting battery and
immediately release the button after barrel insertion.
Tip: Reversing pan/tilt direction will affect digital head tracking as well.
Beep code Mode
1 short beep: Pan/Tilt on ch 5/6
2 short beep: Pan/Tilt on ch 6/7
3 short beep: Pan/Tilt on ch 7/8
4 short beep: Reverse pan direction
5 short beep: Reverse tilt direction
1 long beep: Adjust servo center point*
1 short beep: Restore factory defaults
2 long beep: no selection made, automatically exits menu
* Press the Display Button to gain manual control of the camera with the headset.
To adjust the camera center position:
1. Move the headset to the desired camera center position.
2. Press the Display Button to save the new center position.
IMPORTANT: Make sure the servos are near the center point before adjusting the
camera center position, otherwise, the servo travel may be limited.
Digital Head Tracking
Long Press: Depressing the Display Button toggles head tracker mode
(active/deactivate). With digital head tracking active, the image will zoom in and
the image will digitally pan and tilt in response to head motion.
Short Press: Resets center reference position (both analog/digital).