AGFA 1 User Manual

Page 30

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Take-Up Motor


9.1.2. Take-up control system

(1) In Manual Mode, motor rotates CW

(2) In Manual Mode, motor rotates CCW

(1)+(2) You can RESET by pushing buttons for 1 sec

(3) - In Auto Mode: select motor direction (CW or CCW)

- In Manual Mode: select motor (Back or Front)

(4) Select Mode (Manual or Auto)

9.1.3. Roll Alignment

When the roll media is loaded, measure the distance from the right
side (A) to the point where you want to start printing.
Enter this value on the engine’s Control Program, as a Left Margin.

Make sure that the distance between

Make sure that the distance between

Make sure that the distance between

Make sure that the distance between edge of the vacuum table and edge of the

edge of the vacuum table and edge of the

edge of the vacuum table and edge of the

edge of the vacuum table and edge of the

media is identical the same front and rear; A difference of 1mm is already too much

media is identical the same front and rear; A difference of 1mm is already too much

media is identical the same front and rear; A difference of 1mm is already too much

media is identical the same front and rear; A difference of 1mm is already too much
and will to make sure that the media will not run straight and starts to shift to one

and will to make sure that the media will not run straight and starts to shift to one

and will to make sure that the media will not run straight and starts to shift to one

and will to make sure that the media will not run straight and starts to shift to one




9.1.4. Vacuum

see chapter 7.1 for details regarding the use of the vacuum valves. A detailed
explanation of how to put the media in an optimal way, is explained at the end of this
document under ‘Tips and Tricks’