Allied Telesis AR720 ROUTER User Manual

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A R 7 2 0 R O U T E R Q U I C K S T A R T G U I D E



Introducing the AR720 Router ......................... 4

Connectivity Options .................................................................... 4

What can the AR720 Do For You? ............................................. 4

The AR720 Feature Set ................................................................. 5

About this Guide ............................................................................ 5

Where to Find Statutory and Safety Information .................. 5

Getting Connected ............................................ 6

Using Windows Terminal or Windows HyperTerminal

as the Console ......................................................................... 6

Connecting to an Ethernet LAN ................................................ 8

Connecting to a Leased Line Circuit ......................................... 8

Ordering ISDN in the USA and Canada .................................. 9

Connecting to a Basic Rate S/T ISDN Service ........................ 9

Connecting to a Basic Rate U ISDN Service ........................... 9

Connecting to a Primary Rate ISDN Service ....................... 10

Connecting a Terminal or Modem .......................................... 10

Documentation and Tools CD-ROM .............. 12

Using the CD-ROM .................................................................... 12

Using AT-TFTP Server ................................................................ 12

Configuring ISDN ............................................ 13

Configuring Basic Rate ISDN ................................................... 13

Configuring Primary Rate ISDN .............................................. 14

Configuring ISDN Dial on Demand ........................................ 16

Configuring ISDN Bandwidth on Demand ........................... 16

Configuring an IP Network ............................. 17

Before You Start ........................................................................... 17

Configuring IP .............................................................................. 18

Troubleshooting IP Configurations ......................................... 19

Configuring a Novell IPX Network ................ 20

Before You Start ........................................................................... 20

Configuring IPX ........................................................................... 21

Troubleshooting IPX Configurations ...................................... 22

Configuring IPX Dial on Demand ........................................... 23