Alcatel-Lucent Managed Business Network User Manual

Page 9

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Alcatel-Lucent Managed Business Networking Solution


To help meet the increasing demand for bandwidth and
scalability, Alcatel-Lucent offers terabit performance for
the Alcatel-Lucent 7750 Service Router (SR) and 7450
Ethernet Service Switch (ESS). These enhancements
leverage our unique next-generation FP2 silicon chipsets,
which optimize network processing and traffic manage-
ment to deliver data rates at speeds of up to 100 Gb/s.
In addition, these enhancements more than double the
density of Gigabit and 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports, support
up to 10 times the number of services per router, reduce
power consumption, increase availability and improve
bandwidth efficiency. As a result, you gain a clear path
to 100 Gigabit Ethernet, vastly improving your return
on investment (ROI).

In addition, integrated support for Provider Backbone
Bridging (PBB) and VPLS dramatically increases the scale
and reach of Carrier Ethernet VPN services, helping you
meet exponential growth for Carrier Ethernet services.
Integrated PBB/VPLS brings together the scalability
benefits of PBB with the resiliency, traffic engineering
and con ver gence benefits of VPLS and MPLS. So you can
leverage your existing metro Ethernet infrastructure while
expan d ing service reach to national and international

With these innovations, you gain substantial investment
protection, while reducing capital and operating costs.

Terabit Performance and

Integrated PBB/VPLS –

for superior scalability

“BT has a commitment to meet our customers’
increasing demand for Ethernet services and has
therefore set out an aggressive expansion strategy
for our 21CN Ethernet footprint. Alcatel-Lucent’s
involvement gives us confidence we can achieve
these timescales.”

K a r l p e n a l u n a , d i r e c to r i p a n d data p l at f o r M s, b t

“Cable & Wireless has built an international IP/
MPLS network from which we’re able to deliver a
wide range of wholesale and retail services — in-
cluding IP VPNs — with higher availability, faster
provisioning and more flexibility. As our custom-
ers look to us to deliver more bandwidth and more
sophisticated and integrated service offerings, the
enhanced density, performance, service scale and
virtualization of the Alcatel-Lucent 7750 Service
Router will play an important role in the ongoing
commercial success of our Multi-Service Platform

a n dy e va n s, c h i e f t e c h n o l o g y o f f i c e r , c a b l e & w i r e l e s s

“With our All-IP strategy and extensive network,
KPN is a leader in delivering cost effective, high
performance Ethernet VPN services to our custom-
ers. Alcatel-Lucent’s integrated PBB and VPLS
solution will enable us to enhance network and ser-
vice scalability — both in terms of reach and MAC
addressing — supporting the expansion of our mul-
tipoint Carrier Ethernet VPN service offerings for
inter-metro and national coverage. With this simple
software upgrade to the 7750 SR and 7450 ESS,
we can grow our EVPN revenue and benefit from
operational cost efficiencies while ensuring faster
time to market for new Carrier Ethernet services.”

s i c c o w i e r s M a , M a n a g e r i n n o vat i o n n e t w o r K s, K p n