Alcatel-Lucent Managed Business Network User Manual
Page 14

Alcatel-Lucent Managed Business Networking Solution
“Managed services delivered by a service
provider is an increasingly popular and preferred
alternative to internal management of network-
based services.”
c h a l l e n g e s a n d o p p o r t u n i t i e s i n t h e e n t e r p r i s e
n e t w o r K s M a r K e t, i d c , f e b r u a r y 2 0 0 8
“Corporate traffic continues to grow
unabated…; corporations are finding and
exceeding the technology capacity limits of
legacy frame relay, ATM, and private line
networks; as these barriers are exceeded,
corporations look for technology solutions
with greater headroom that provide more
bandwidth at a smaller price per bit, and the
natural answer is Ethernet, and/or Ethernet
access combined with IP MPLS VPNs.”
e t h e r n e t a n d i p M p l s v p n s e r v i c e s ,
i n f o n e t i c s
- OMNIACCESS 740 (92 pages)
- 7342 ISAM FTTU (12 pages)
- MDR-8000 (16 pages)
- VPN Firewall (2 pages)
- 5020 MGC-8 (4 pages)
- 7750 SR OS (482 pages)
- 7750 (4 pages)
- OmniAccess 8550 (2 pages)
- VPN Firewall Portfolio (4 pages)
- 9900 (8 pages)
- 5073 (2 pages)
- OmniAccess 780 (4 pages)
- OmniAccess AP80 (2 pages)
- 700 MHz (8 pages)
- Wireless Broadband (16 pages)
- 5000 (8 pages)
- 1677 (8 pages)
- 5070 SSG (2 pages)
- 1645 AMC (12 pages)
- VoIP for Enterprise (6 pages)
- 5530 (16 pages)
- 7540 WMG (2 pages)
- Eye-Box (6 pages)
- 7710 SR E1 (2 pages)
- 7710 SDH CMAs (4 pages)
- 7549 MGW (2 pages)
- 7750 SR (12 pages)
- Data Multiplexer 1665 DMX (2 pages)
- 1353 (12 pages)
- SONET/SDH MDAs (4 pages)
- 735x (12 pages)
- 5750 SSC (16 pages)
- Digital Home Care Solution (12 pages)
- VPN Firewall Brick Portfolio (2 pages)
- APX 1000 (3 pages)
- 1511 BA (4 pages)
- MVNE (4 pages)
- 7705 SAR (6 pages)
- Litespan 1540 (12 pages)
- WiMAX (12 pages)
- 5650 (12 pages)
- 3600 (2 pages)
- Intelligent Services Access Manager (12 pages)
- VitalQIP 500 (8 pages)