Special application – Altinex CAT-5 Receiver Card PE1004CF User Manual

Page 10

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1. [SIDn]

This command sets the ID number of the unit.
The default unit ID is zero.

Command Format: [SIDn]


= Unit ID (n = # from 0 to 99)


Send the command [SID1] to the system. The
unit ID is now one, and “C1” must be included at
the end of each command line, as in “[VERC1]”,
for only the unit with ID1 to respond.

REMEMBER: A command sent without the unit

ID will be executed by all the
PE1004CFs connected to the
RS-232 port.

2. [RSI]

This command resets the unit ID to the default
value of zero.

Command Format: [RSI]


Send the command [RSI] to the system and the
new ID will be zero. As unit ID zero, commands
may be sent either with or without the unit
identifier “C0”.

3. [RSN]

This command reads and then displays the ID
number of the unit.

Command Format: [RSN]


The PE1004CF was set to an ID value of 3.
Send the command [RSN] and the system will
return the following feedback:

PE1004 ID#3

4. [VER]

This command displays the firmware version
and model number of the PE1004CF.

Command Format: [VERCi]

Ci = Unit ID (i = # from 0 to 99)


Send the command [VER] and receive the
following feedback:

PE1004CF 690-0207-001


= Model Number


= Firmware Version


This command displays the status of the
PE1004CF and includes the unit model number,
active input and video equalization level.

Command Format: [Ci]

Ci = Unit ID (i = # from 0 to 99)

Example 1: Feedback

Pioneer Video Card
IN:1 (CAT-5 # 1)
Equalization Level:0

Example 2: Unit ID Specific

Send the command [STATUSC1] and receive
feedback showing the status of Unit ID 1.

Example 3: Any Unit

Send the command [STATUS] and receive
feedback showing the status of the unit
connected to the RS-232 port regardless of its
unit ID.


This command is used to preform a factory
reset on the unit. The default input, CAT-5 #1,
will be selected and all equalization settings will
be set to zero, even if they were previoulsy
saved using the […S] command.

Command Format: [FRESETCi]

Ci = Unit ID (i = # from 0 to 99)


Reset the PE1004CF with unit ID 1 to its default
settings by sending the command [FRESETC1].