Troubleshooting – AeroGarden PRO100 User Manual
Page 16

To move your AeroGarden, be
sure to pick it up by holding the
Lamp Arm with one hand and
sliding your other hand under the
bottom of the Base.
How do I take care of my
Garden when I go out of town?
Add water to raise the level up
to “Fill To Here.” If you will be
out of town for several days, we
recommend you make arrange-
ments for someone to care for
your plants while you are away.
My Mini Rose Garden doesn’t
look healthy. What can I do?
If you are concerned about the
health of your garden, please go
through the following before
contacting Customer Service…
Read “A Note About Shipping
Live Plants” on page 6.
Make sure you selected the
correct plant setting on the
Control Panel (see page 3).
Keep light(s) as close to plants as
possible, without leaves/flowers
touching the Grow Bulb(s).
What do I do when a Grow
Bulb burns out?
Replacement bulbs can be or-
dered at or
by calling 1-800-476-9669. You
should replace your Grow Bulb(s)
after 6 months of use.
What should I do if Grow
Bulb(s) are not working?
Make sure the Grow Bulb(s) are
firmly inserted in the Lamp Hood.
Also check that your Garden is
plugged into a working electri-
cal outlet and the Lamp Cord is
plugged into the Lamp Hood.
What if I want to move my
AeroGarden to another
Go right ahead! Keep in mind
that each AeroGarden model has
different features. Unplugging a
Garden in the middle of its
growth cycle could cause your
AeroGarden’s light timer to reset.
Before moving your AeroGarden,
consult your Quick Start Guide to
see how the light timer is affected
when your model is unplugged.