Samsung SL-M2835DW-XAA User Manual
Page 70
web site).
2.3 Distribution of Executable Versions. In addition, if You
Externally Deploy Covered Code (Original Code and/or Modifications) in
object code, executable form only, You must include a prominent
notice, in the code itself as well as in related documentation,
stating that Source Code of the Covered Code is available under the
terms of this License with information on how and where to obtain such
Source Code.
2.4 Third Party Rights. You expressly acknowledge and agree that
although Apple and each Contributor grants the licenses to their
respective portions of the Covered Code set forth herein, no
assurances are provided by Apple or any Contributor that the Covered
Code does not infringe the patent or other intellectual property
rights of any other entity. Apple and each Contributor disclaim any
liability to You for claims brought by any other entity based on
infringement of intellectual property rights or otherwise. As a
condition to exercising the rights and licenses granted hereunder, You
hereby assume sole responsibility to secure any other intellectual
property rights needed, if any. For example, if a third party patent
license is required to allow You to distribute the Covered Code, it is
Your responsibility to acquire that license before distributing the
Covered Code.
3. Your Grants. In consideration of, and as a condition to, the