Analog Devices SHARC Processors 82-003536-01 User Manual

Page 37

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Getting Started With SHARC Processors


The Evaluation Process

required. VisualDSP++ provides core cycle-accurate simulators, allowing
inspection of every nuance of activity within the processor, including visu-
alization of the processor’s pipeline and cache.

As many of the most performance-demanding applications process a signal
of some sort, comprehensive memory plotting is a corner stone of Visu-
alDSP++ debugger support. VisualDSP++ provides multiple views, from
basic (line plots) to sophisticated (eye diagrams and waterfalls) to pinpoint
anomalous data sequences in your application. Image viewing in a number
of data formats is also available.

VDK users get unparalleled visibility into the internals of the kernel. Sta-
tus on a per-thread basis is available, as is a comprehensive pictorial
history of kernel events and CPU loading. Thread changes, posted and
pended semaphores, and other kernel events are captured in this display.

Inspection, or even application stimulation, from the debugger at runtime
is possible through the use of the processor’s background telemetry chan-
nels (BTCs). BTC allows for an arbitrary number of communication
channels to be established between the host debugger and the application.
Channels may go in either direction, so BTC can be used to read and
write data as the processor runs. Scalar values or entire arrays may be ser-
viced by a channel. Arrays read from the target can even be plotted in real

Multiprocessor users get the same compelling set of debugging features
across all processors, unified into a single debugging interface. Individual
windows can be made to “float” their focus to whichever processor cur-
rently is the debugger’s focus, or they can be “pinned” to a specific
processor so their contents do not follow the debugger’s focus. To further
aid MP debug, synchronous run, step, halt, and reset are also provided.

The patented statistical profiler from Analog Devices offers unprecedented
and unique visibility into a running application. Operating completely
non-intrusively to the application, the application is polled thousands of
times per second and a statistical view of where an application is spending