Analog Devices SHARC Processors 82-003536-01 User Manual

Page 35

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Getting Started With SHARC Processors


The Evaluation Process

ease of use with the ability to import C header files, allowing for symbolic
references into arbitrarily complex C data structures. Binary data can be
included directly into assembly source files, creating an easy way to add
blocks of static data (such as audio samples and bitmaps) to an applica-
tion. The VisualDSP++ linker is fully multicore and multiprocessor (MP)
aware, allowing for the creation of cross-linked, multi-executable applica-
tions in a single pass. Other powerful capabilities of the linker include
dead code and data elimination, code and data overlays, and section spill-
ing (for example, automatic overflow from internal to external memory).

VisualDSP++, when used in combination with ADSP-2146x SHARC pro-
cessors, is designed to take advantage of the VISA (Variable Instruction
Set Architecture) feature. The code generation tools provide the option to
turn on or off the use of the VISA feature. The user must place code to be
compressed into the correct segment in the linker definition file. Com-
pressed or uncompressed code is then generated by the VisualDSP++ tool
chain without further user effort.

Leverage-Proven Application Infrastructure

VisualDSP++ goes beyond robust code generation tools, providing consid-
erable application infrastructure and middleware out of the box to speed
application development.

The VisualDSP++ kernel (VDK) is a robust, royalty-free, real-time operat-
ing system (RTOS) kernel. This pre-emptive multitasking kernel
incorporates state-of-the-art scheduling and resource allocation techniques
tailored specifically for the memory and timing constraints of DSP pro-
gramming. The kernel facilitates development of performance-structured
applications using frameworks of template files. It provides essential ker-
nel features in a minimal footprint. Features include a fully pre-emptive
scheduler (time slicing and cooperative scheduling are also supported),
thread creation, semaphores, interrupt management, inter-thread messag-
ing, events, and memory management (memory pools and multiple
heaps). In MP environments, MP messaging is also provided.