Airlink Raven II User Manual
Page 21

User’s Manual
AirLink Communications, Inc.
August 9, 2001
Page 17
4 = B preferred
• Device IP Address – enter the IP address you were given from
your CDPD Service Provider.
12. If you know of other parameters you have to change, you may do so
now. Otherwise go to step 13.
Note: If you change the COM port speed, reset the modem before
connecting to it at a different speed. If the baud rate is changed, it
will have to be changed in both “CDPD Modem PPP” properties and
Control Panel→
→Airlink CDPD Modem→
(See AT command reference for details on other parameters.)
13. Select Write to Modem to send the updated information to the
modem. You'll be prompted for your new password that you entered
If you did not change it, then the default modem password is 12345.
It is highly recommended that you do change your password (Use
Ctrl-H to change it).
14. Reset your modem when prompted to do so.
15. When the modem comes back up in ACE, click on the Status button
to see that the modem is properly registering now.
The next section covers some information on reading the lights on the front of
your modem and verifying your modem is operating.