Adder Technology AVM208MP User Manual
Page 47

Installation and Use
Page 46
4.9 Selecting computers using the mouse
Computers may conveniently be selected using a three button mouse. In order to
switch to the next computer simply hold down the central mouse button (the wheel
mouse button on an IntelliMouse) and click on the left hand mouse button to select
the next computer. If password security has been set then the AdderView will select
the next available channel, otherwise it will select the next numerical channel.
Mouse switching may be enabled or disabled (see section 3.6.8). When mouse
switching is disabled the third button or wheel button state is ‘passed through’ the
AdderView and seen by the application software.
Selecting computers using the mouse is most suitable for systems with small
numbers of computers. For systems with more computers it is easier to use the on-
screen menu for computer selection.
Hold down centre button (
Press and release left hand button
) to select next computer