1 general, 2 pctdr help – Campbell Scientific TDR100 Time Domain Reflectometry Systems User Manual
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When the TDR100 is connected to a CR23X or CR1000
datalogger using control ports 1-3 for SDM control and
SDMX50 multiplexers are also connected, an instruction must be
used in the datalogger program to properly configure the control
ports. If this is not done, PCTDR will not control the
multiplexers. This is required because the CR23X and CR1000
control ports present a low impedance to the SDM lines and this
will load the signal issued by TDR100 when PCTDR is used to
control multiplexers.
Note for use of PCTDR
when TDR100 is
connected to CR23X
or CR1000 datalogger
At the end of the CR23X datalogger program containing
TDR100 instruction (P119), use an instruction (P20) to
configure control ports 1, 2 and 3 as input.
Set Port(s) (P20)
1:9999 C8..C5 = nc/nc/nc/nc
2:9888 C4..C1 = nc/input/input/input
At the end of the CR1000 datalogger program containing
TDR100 instruction (TDR100), use an instruction (PortsConfig)
to configure control ports 1, 2 and 3 as input.
PortsConfig (&B00000111,&B00000000)
4.1 General
PCTDR requires a connection from a COM port of the computer to the RS-232
port of the TDR100. Choice of COM port and baud rate is made in PCTDR
menu Settings/Communications. The baud rate is set during TDR100
production to 57600.
4.2 PCTDR Help
There are several ways to access PCTDR's help system:
• The help file's Table of Contents can be opened by choosing Help |
Contents from the PCTDR menu.
• The help file's Index can be opened by choosing Help | Index from the
PCTDR menu.
• At any time you can press F1 for help that is relevant to cursor position.
• If the help file is opened, pressing the Contents button on the help system's
toolbar will open the Table of Contents.
• If the help file is opened, choosing the Index button from the help system's
toolbar will bring up the Index. Keywords can be typed in to search for a
topic. An in-depth search can be performed by pressing the Find button
and typing in a word.
If a highlighted link takes you to another topic, you can return to the original
topic by selecting the Back button from the help system's toolbar.