Campbell Scientific Raven100 CDMA Cellular Modem User Manual

Page 13

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Raven100 CDMA AirLink Cellular Modem

Click on “Check for Updates”. While checking for updates, the Setup Wizard
needs to use the Internet connection on your computer to connect to the
AirLink server. Your modem is not connected to the wireless network for this
process. AirLink frequently releases updates to the firmware for your modem.
These updates can include new features as well as bug fixes. To make sure
your modem is at optimal performance, it is recommended to Check for
Updates and Update Now.

Click Next to activate modem.

Older modems will prompt for the Carrier Mobile Directory Number (MDN)
and Carrier Mobile Identification Number or Mobile Subscriber ID
(MIN/MSID). The MDN and MIN/MSID numbers may be different.

Newer modems get these numbers, and the rest of the data required for
activation automatically from the cellular network using Internet Over The Air