2 launching the csiwebadmin package, 3 changing the web server configuration file, 1 location of the web server configuration file – Campbell Scientific CSI Web Server for Linux Installation Guide User Manual
Page 9: 2 organization of the configuration file, 1 http-settings element, Launching the csiwebadmin package, Changing the web server configuration file, Location of the web server configuration file, Organization of the configuration file, Http-settings element

CSI Web Server for Linux Installation Guide
Other Distributions
The server can be started or stopped using the daemon's init script as follows:
/etc/init.d/csiwebd start
/etc/init.d/csiwebd stop
Note that these commands must be run with root privileges. Alternatively,
some distributions provide a service manager GUI application to start and stop
4.2 Launching the CSIWebAdmin Package
The CSIWebAdmin package can be launched using the application launcher
found at /usr/share/applications/CSI Web Server Admin.
4.3 Changing the Web Server Configuration File
4.3.1 Location of the Web Server Configuration File
The web server looks for its main configuration file, config.xml, in the sys
subdirectory of its application directory. If the web server cannot find a
configuration file, it will generate its own default configuration and write it at
the specified directory. By default, the configuration file is:
4.3.2 Organization of the Configuration File
The configuration file is in XML format. It root element is expected to have the
name, CsiWebServer. This element does not expect any attributes but it does
expect to contain an http-settings child and can optionally contain a log-
settings element child. http-settings Element
This element describes the configuration settings for the HTTP server. The
following attributes are required:
This attribute specifies the TCP port on which the HTTP
server will offer its service. This value will default to TCP port
80 (the default port for the HTTP protocol).
This attribute specifies the directory that the HTTP server will
use as its root. If specified as an empty string (the default), the
home directory will default to the application working