Appendix a. calibration – Campbell Scientific CS525 ISFET pH Probe User Manual

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Appendix A. Calibration

This calibration process uses a 7 pH and 4 pH buffer solution (CSI part

After downloading the following example program onto the datalogger, and
insuring that the CS525 is properly wired to the datalogger, the operator would
use the Numeric Display found in the software PC200W, PC400, LoggerNet,
PConnect, and PConnectCE, to:

1. Place the CS525 into a pH 7 buffer solution (CSI PN 25586).

2. Allow the pHmV reading to stabilize.

3. Change the value in pH7record to -1.

4. Remove the CS525 from the pH7 buffer solution and rinse with deionized


5. Blot dry the CS525 with a soft cloth or paper towel.

6. Place the CS525 in a pH 4 buffer solution (CSI PN 25587).

7. Allow the pHmV reading to stabilize.

8. Change the value in pH4record to -1.

9. Change the value in pHcal to -1.

10. The CS525 is now ready to be place in the solution to be measured.

The simple example program to provide this two point pH calibration process
would be:


‘Define Variables
Public batt_volt, pH, pHmV
Public pHcal, pH4record, pH7record

Dim pHmult,pHoffset
Dim pH4mV,pH7mV

'Define Data Tables
DataTable (TenMin,1,-1)





'Main Program
Scan (10,Sec,3,0)
