Aalborg Totalizer User Manual
Page 8

Equipment Required for Calibration
You will need:
Two 4-1/2" digit Digital Multi Meters set to the selected analog
output range and frequency.
2. For TOT-10: GFM mass flow meter or GFC mass
flow controller with power supply.
For TOT-05: Any transducer with 0-5 Vdc output and time
based engineering units and +12Vdc power supply.
f.2 Calibration
Each Totalizer is shipped from the factory with GAIN, OFFSET, SCALE and
DIVISION FACTOR adjustments made for a given flow rate (see Table 2). If
full scale range for Totalizer was not specified on the back label it was by
default adjusted for 30 unit/min which corresponds to SCALE 5.00 kHz and
DIVISION 1000. In this case the Totalizer has to be re-scaled for the desired
full scale range (see f.4). Internal timing schematic GAIN and OFFSET is
adjusted in the factory and does not require additional readjustment when re-
scaling Totalizer for different flow ranges or engineering units. The GAIN and
OFFSET adjustment procedure (see f.3) must be performed only if the poten-
tiometer R12 (GAIN) was accidentally readjusted.
CAUTION: Improper setting of jumpers may result in incorrect
operation of the unit and could cause damage to the Totalizer.