MagTek IntelliCAT99875662 User Manual

Page 5

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2. Go to the Desktop and change the Device Name to the given device instance (i.e.
IntelliStripe 64) etc. If a different naming structure is being used, just make sure it matches
exactly what was typed in the MCP Configuration Utility as shown under the Devices drop
down box above).

Recommended Example:

Different Naming Structure not recommended



DeviceName="IntelliStripe 64"


3. Next, make sure the COM# in the [Admin] and [Communication] section of the desktop
INTCAT.INI file matches (example: ICCommPort="3") and if necessary Change
Machine="ExpressCard 1000" to Machine="Motorized_IntelliCoder" or
Machine=”IntelliCAT_Controller” then click, File, Save. (All are Case sensitive).
4. Save and Close the Desktop INTCAT.INI file. Next copy and paste it to C:\Windows. Over
write the existing file.