Feature information – Triton Point Features User Manual
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Feature Information
When feature files are added to the project, the information embedded in the ASCII file
is extracted and displayed in an information dialog. The information dialog can be launched
by right-clicking on the individual features in the file tree. Information displays for all
feature types are identical. An example of the information display for a group called
“Borehole” is shown below:
Included in the information dialog is the feature location, date & time if present in the
feature file, which file that feature is from, comments, and a graphical display of the
vertical layers present in the file with the depth interval each layer was defined. Also
indicated is the projected distances and headings to each of the subbottom profiles
loaded in the project.
The list on the top right shows the other feature files in this group present in the project.
To see the information for other boreholes, simply select the borehole in the list and the
display will update to represent the currently selected feature. When information is
shown for a particular feature, the label in the map view for that feature will increase in
size to highlight in the map which feature you have queried.