Triton Point Features User Manual

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Specifications for each section are as follows:

LOCATION: The first two columns of the feature file are for either Northing-
Easting values or for Latitude-Longitude. The third column is to indicate the types
of coordinates used. Both of these files will import into the same location without
the projection wizard asking what projection/datum to select. Perspective will
assume the datum is WGS84 and that values in meters are for the project UTM

ID, DATE, TIME: These three columns are for indicating the feature ID to be used
for labeling in the map and profile views plus the date and time the data was
collected. Please note the format of the date and time. The date is mm/dd/yy (can
also use dd/mm/yy if preferred) and the time is hh:mm:ss (24 hour time). These
fields are optional and can be left blank if desired.

COMMENTS: This section is for comments of any kind. Please make sure there are
no commas in the comment as they will be treated as delineators when the software
parses the CSV or TXT file.

VALUE AND DEPTH INTERVAL: This is where the downhole information is entered.
There can be as many layer types and number of units as desired. For each layer
there are three columns. The first is for the data value. All unique data values in
the feature file will be automatically entered into the

Profile Settings Feature


for selecting the color to use for the profile display. The next two columns for each
layer indicate the start and end depths in meters for that unit. The top unit always
starts at a depth of zero since the depths are referenced to the water bottom

A couple important notes regarding the format of feature files:

The file types read by the feature import options include .CSV and .TXT (comma
separated) files.

The header used to create the file must NOT be included in the imported file as
shown in the two examples on the previous page of the same samples but with one
projected and the other not.

For feature files with no vertical information (tide stations, classification points,
etc.), the Value and Depth Interval column can be left blank.