Basic operation – VariZoom VZTOC-FI2 User Manual

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The lens motors are now ready for use, and will move according to the position of the
controllers on the hand unit. Note: If you turn off power to the receiver, it will store
the calibration set in the last use. As long as you don’t move the motors or lens, the
calibration will be valid. If you have to move the motors and lens from their last
position, recalibrate.

Basic Operation

The TOC has a touch screen that will allow for easy menu navigation. Most

operation will be done from this screen.

To reset the TOC parameters to their defaults, select “System” from the

home menu. Then select “Reset All”. It will then ask you to confirm. Select “OK”,
and then all parameters will be set to default. This only applies to lens/motors
limits, and motors speed/smoothing settings. Lens calibration is not affected by the
system reset.

The touch screen allows for easy adjustments and menu navigation. In the rare event that
the touch screen becomes unusable, there are five buttons on the top of the controller next
to the antenna (see below) that can be used as backup for navigation.

Return to Home screen


Menu Up

Menu Down

Power on/off