High Country Tek Plug Top Driver Series User Manual

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Adjustment Guide for all PTD series:

Electronic Controller Solutions for the Fluid Power Industry

• Plug the PTD onto valve coil to be driven - DO NOT use mounting screw at this time.
• Remove securing screw and opaque lid to reveal internal adjustments.
• Ensure command signal ( voltage or current ) is set to zero.
• Ensure that all user made wire connections are correct and secure.
• Turn I Min potentiometer Anti-Clockwise to minimum - Single turn adjustment.
• Turn I Max potentiometer 20 turns Clockwise to maximum.
• Turn Ramp UP & DOWN potentiometers fully Anti-Clockwise to minimum.
• Apply correct supply voltage to the plug top driver.

• Slowly increase command voltage to approx 10% of maximum.
• Use the I Min adjustment to give minimum valve response ( flow or pressure ) required.
• Slowly Increase command signal to maximum setting.
• Adjust I Max until desired valve maximum response ( flow or pressure ) is achieved.

• Change command signal from zero to max and adjust RAMP UP setting to suit application.
• Change command signal from max to zero and adjust RAMP DOWN setting to suit application
• Confirm the ‘Output ON’ LED is changing brightness proportionally with command increase/de-


If the ‘Output ON’ led is switches between OFF or ON bright, this indicates the PTD is not connected to the coil correctly
OR the coil is open circuit - check PTD connections and coil Ohmic integrity.
If the connections and coil are correct, the PTD has suffered internal damage and needs to be replaced.

• Adjust Dither frequency to suit valve product being driven. .
• Fully Anti-clockwise = approx. 100Hz
• Fully Clockwise = Approx.... 250Hz.
• Set command to zero
• Turn OFF supply voltage to PTD


Different valve types (i.e. cartridge or spool) require different dither frequencies to optimize the performance, stability and
repeatability. It is strongly reccomended that the OEM technical information is read to establish the correct frequency and
ensure the best operation is achieved on the application.

• Replace PTD lid ensuring that it ‘clicks’ into place and the inner seal is maintained.
• Replace securing screw and tighten ( do not over tighten or lid damage is seen )
• Unit is now ready for continuous application use