Apple QuickTime Streaming Server (Administrator’s Guide) User Manual
Page 72

A mechanism for prioritizing the tracks in a movie or the overlapping of sprites. When
it plays a movie, QuickTime displays the movie’s images according to their layer—images
with lower layer numbers are displayed on top; images with higher layer numbers may be
obscured by images with lower layer numbers.
M3U file
An audio metafile that is created using a text editor and saved to a web server. The
file directs a user’s web browser to an MP3 playlist residing on the same web server and
opens the user’s MP3 player.
Mac OS X
The latest version of the Apple operating system, which combines the reliability
of UNIX with the ease of use of Macintosh.
Mac OS X Server
An industrial-strength server platform that supports Mac, Windows,
UNIX, and Linux clients out of the box and provides a suite of scalable workgroup and
network services plus advanced remote management tools.
Manual Unicast
A method for transmitting a live stream to a single QuickTime Player
client or to a computer running QTSS or DSS. An SDP file is usually created by the
broadcaster application and then must be manually sent to the viewer or streaming server.
Short for Multicast Backbone, a virtual network for real-time streaming over the
MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface)
A standard format for sending
instructions to a musical synthesizer.
modifier track
A track in a movie that modifies the data or presentation of other tracks.
For example, a tween track is a modifier track.
mount point
A string used to identify a live stream, which can be a relayed movie stream, a
nonrelayed movie stream, or an MP3 stream. Mount points that describe live movie streams
always end with an .sdp extension.
The Apple QuickTime movie file extension used to name both movie redirect files
and actual QuickTime media files.
A structure of time-based data that is managed by QuickTime. A QuickTime movie
may contain sound, video, animation, or a combination of data types. A QuickTime movie
contains one or more tracks; each track represents a single data stream in the movie.
MP3 (MPEG layer 3)
A popular format for compressing music.
An ISO standard based on the QuickTime file format that defines multimedia file
and compression formats.
An efficient, one-to-many form of streaming. Users can join or leave a multicast
but cannot otherwise interact with it.
A server with multiple IP addresses. Page 72 Wednesday, November 20, 2002 2:09 PM