Dee Zee DZ95D User Manual
Page 3

4. When you have the mounting tray in the desired position, it is recommended to
mark the holes prior to drilling in case shifting of the mounting tray occurs during
5. Using a 3/8” bit, drill through the bed exterior on your markings.
6. Thoroughly clean the surface location where the tool box will be mounted, then line
up the drill holes to the mounting tray.
7. Using the bolts supplied, begin inserting them through the mounting tray into the
drilled holes. Rotate tightening of screws before tightening any screw completely.
As all screws become tighter, then fasten completely to the frame.
8. Ensure the undercarriage of the tool box is free of debris, as well as the mounting
tray. Slide the tool box back onto the mounting tray in a similar fashion as it was
9. Re-insert any trays that were removed from the tool box during installation.
3. Position the mounting
tray behind the fender
flare of your choice,
ensuring to have the
front facing the tailgate.
10. Remove keys from interior of box
to store in a safe location.