Monoprice PID 8742 Wireless 802 11N Router with Internal Antenna and WPS Function 2T2R MIMO 300Mbps User Manual

Page 29

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Enable Bandwidth Control: Enable or disable the internal IP bandwidth control.

The default is disabled.

IP Address: The IP address range of the connected client computers whose traffic

you want to control. It can be a single IP address or IP address range.

Upload/Download: Specifies the direction in which traffic is to be controlled for the

selected IP addresses, either uploading or downloading.

Bandwidth Range: Specifies the minimum and maximum bandwidth (in KBytes/sec)

to allow for use by client computers within the specified IP range. The specified

bandwidth cannot exceed the WAN port bandwidth limitation range.

Enable: Enables the rule that is currently being edited. Otherwise, the rule will not go

into effect.

Add to list: After you edit the rule, click the Add to list button to add the current rule

to the rule list. You can have multiple rules that operate simultaneously.

Let's take 2Mbps bandwidth as an example. Theoretically, the fastest downloading rate for

2Mbps bandwidth is 2Mbps / 8 = 256KByte/s, and the fastest uploading speed is 512kbps /

8 = 64KByte/s.

Example 1

If you want to set the maximum download rate of the computer at the IP address to 80-90KByte/s, with a corresponding upload rate of 10-15KByte/s, first add

an upload rule as follows: