General functions and controls (cont.) – American Audio Radius 3000 User Manual
Page 16

will display either the elapse, total, or remaining time of a track or the entire disc. The display time will
depend on the selected time function. The selected time function will be displayed above the TIME
METER as either total remaining, remaining track time, or elapSed track name.
55. TOTAL/REmAIN/ELApSED INDICATOR - When TOTAL REMAIN is indicated in the Vfd diSplay
(3) the time meter will show the total disc remaining time. When REMAIN is indicated in the Vfd
diSplay (3) the time meter will show the current track's remaining time. When ELAPSED is indicated
in the Vfd diSplay (3) the time meter will show the current track's elapsed time.
56. TRACk DISpLAY - This indicator describes which track is currently cued or is playing.
57. SINgLE INDICATOR - This indicates that the player is in single play mode, the track will play once
and return to CUE mode. If the single indicator is not on the unit is in continuous mode In continuous
mode the drive will play all the remaining tracks on the disc. Once the remaining tracks have ended
the unit will return to cue mode
58. RELOOp INDICATOR - Appears when LOOP is engaged or ready to be engaged.
59. AUTO CUE -
This will indicate if the Auto Cue is on or off. Press and hold the Sgl/ctn (33) for 1 sec.
to turn the Auto Cue function on and off.
American Audio
- - Radius 3000™ Instruction Manual Page 16