General functions and controls (cont.) – American Audio Radius 3000 User Manual
Page 10

even if a disc has been removed and will reflect on any other disc loaded into the player. That is to
say, if you set a +2% pitch on one disc, remove that disc and load another, that disc too will have a
+2% pitch. The amount of pitch being applied will be displayed in the Vfd (3).
5. (-) pITCH BEND BUTTON - The (-) pitch bend function creates a momentary “Decrease” in the
track’s BPM’s (Beats per minute) while it is playing. This will allow you to match the beats between
two playing track’s or other playing music source. Remember, this is a momentary function. When
you remove your finger from the pitch button, the BPM’s will automatically return to pitch Slider'S
(4) pitch value Holding down this button will give a maximum of -100% pitch. Use this function to
slow to another playing music source. Be sure to notice that this function is a momentary pitch ad-
justment, for a more precise adjustment use the pitch Slider (4) to match the BPM’s with another
playing music source.
+) pITCH BEND BUTTON - The (+) pitch bend function creates a momentary “Increase” in the
track’s BPM’s (Beats per minute) while it is playing. This will allow you to match the beats between
two playing track’s or any other music source. Remember, this is a momentary function. When you
remove your finger from this button, the BPM’s will automatically return to the pitch Slider'S (4)
selected pitch. Holding down this button will give a maximum of +100% pitch.
6. pITCH ON/Off BUTTON - This button is used to turn the pitch Slider (4) function on and off.
The pitch percentage can be changed between 4%, 8%, 16% and 100%. 4% will allow the least
amount of pitch manipulation and 100% will allow the most amount of pitch manipulation. To adjust
to the different values please see page 28.
7. TEmpO LOCk fUNCTION - This button activates the TEMPO LOCK function. This function allows
you to use the PITCH SLIDER to speed up or slow down playback speed without altering the tonal
pitch of the track. When this function is not engaged the original tonal pitch of the track will be altered
giving you the "chipmunk" effect when a track is played at a high rate of speed, or the "James Earl
Jones" effect when a track is slowed to much.
8. pITCH pERCENTAgE SELECTOR - Press this button to choose any pitch range percentages of
4%, 8%, 16%, and 100%. See page 29 for more details.
9. JOg WHEEL/EffECTS pLATTER - This wheel has three functions;
A. The jog wheel will act as a frame search control when the track is in pause or cue mode, allow-
ing you to set a cue point.
B. The wheel also works as a pitch bend during playback. Turning the wheel clockwise will increase
the pitch percentage up to 100%, and turning the wheel in the counter-clock wise direction will
decrease the pitch percentage down to -100%. The pitch bend will be determined on how long
you turn the jog wheel continuously.
C. The jog wheel can also be used in conjunction with the time (31) and ratio (25) knobs to adjust
and set effect and sample parameters, see page 24.
The Jog Wheel light ring can also be adjusted to run differently. To change the light ring you must
enter the Internal Menu, see page 17. Locate JOG MODE in the menu. The differnet functions are as
1 (Mode 1) - Value 1-32; this will make your playing point indicator smaller at value 1 or a full circle
at value 32.
2 (Mode 2) - This is similar to mode one but will turn the lit portion of the playing indicator off when
the touch sensor on the jog wheel is touched.
3 (Mode 3) - Will show your playing marker rotating while the rest of the wheel is lit but at a dimmer
American Audio
- - Radius 3000™ Instruction Manual Page 10